Installing Mods

A guide on how to install the mod loader and mods.

Installing OneLoader

In order to run and use Omori mods, a mod loader must first be installed to the game. The most commonly used mod loader is OneLoader, and it supports nearly every mod for the game. To install it, download the latest release zip to the OMORI folder on Steam (if you're having trouble finding it, go to the Local Files tab of the Properties window and click Browse Local Files), then extract the zip there. When prompted to overwrite files, select "Yes to All".

Below is a video walking through the installation process:

Installing Mods

Mods are formatted in either a zip or folder format, and are stored in the www/mods folder of Omori.

To install an Omori mod, copy or download the zip file or folder of the mod to the OMORI/www/mods folder. The above video also walks through that process if you're confused.

OMORI installed from steam, the game folder are likely to be in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\OMORI or similar, depending on location of where you installed the game.

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