YAML Texts and Dialogues

For storing the text displayed in OMORI, for ease of editing

Omori uses YAML files for displaying majority of texts seen in game.

Displaying Messages in RPGMV

Display Basic Message

To display a message, create a Plugin Command block and enter the following:

Show Message Format
ShowMessage fileName.messageName
Example Code
ShowMessage 14_cutscenes_sweetheartquest.message_37

Despite Omori dialogue almost always using the message_x naming convention, other name can be given as well.

Display Choices

TBA: To display a choice

AddChoice message label
ShowChoices number

TBA: ShowChoices jank with numbers, default selection when pressing escape

The choice plugin is done in the Text_Language_Processor.js plugin file made by TDS.

YAML Formatting


Omori has main 2 ways of displaying names:

Shortcut macro: This is a plugin parameter done in YEP_X_MessageMacros1.js plugin, that is replaced with the name.

Benefit with shortening names of reoccurring characters and also ease of potentially mass-changing names later.

Direct name: Add \n<NAME> directly on the text field

Benefit of being easy to implement, increases readability from being direct, and good for one off side characters.

Dialogue only

Dialogue only example
    text: \n<HUMPHREY>I fucking love air-conditioning.

Dialogue with Portrait

Dialogue with portraits are done with main characters in Omori.

faceset: Image file name (without file extension, case sensitive)

faceindex: The target image in the 106x106 grid, counting from top left as 0.

text: The text displayed

Dialogue with Portrait Exampleeee
      faceset: MainCharacter_Basil
      faceindex: 0
      text: Hope you don't mind the photo.\bas

In this case \bas is a shorthand command to show BASIL name, which is hard coded. This is the case for most primary characters as well. This is part of text codes.

Battle Dialogue

Battle dialogue tends to have the character name inside the text box itself due to smaller size. This can be done with > with newline of \>NAME: \< at the start.

Battle Dialogue Example
   text: >
    \>PERFECTHEART: \<I said that you would regret this, children.

Last updated